Join Us for Worship

We are located on Cortez Rd, just west of the 59th St intersection (6101 Cortez Rd. W.), right across the street from the RJ Gators Restaurant. There's plenty of space in the parking lot behind our building, we have a full band at our 9am contemporary service, and an 11am service led by our organist and choir that has a more traditional focus. We hope to see you at either one, or you can stream from home on Youtube or Facebook!

Contemporary (9am) Service

If you can't join us in-person, you can stream the service below every Sunday! 

Traditional (11am) Service

If you can't join us in-person, you can stream the service below every Sunday! 

What to Expect

Kirkwood strives to be a place of community, hospitality, and joy! We have an optional nursery available during both our Contemporary (9am) and Traditional (11am) services for your little ones. And we have a Sunday School hour between services as well (10am) for our K-12th graders along with occasional adult education opportunities offered during the same time. You can dress however is comfortable for you, the early service tends to be more casual than the later service but in either one you'll see some people in shorts and sandals and others in their Sunday best. And if you want to see what the structure of the service is like you can watch last week's service on Facebook  or Youtube! 


We value relationship inside and outside of Sunday morning. All are valued and loved.


We provide a place of welcome that is intentionally relaxed, purposefully forgiving, and abundant in grace.


We don't deny the harsh realities of life, but we seek to celebrate the joy we have in Christ. 

Give Online

When you give your tithe and offerings, it helps support our church staff, fund our outreach programs, provide updates to our buildings, get supplies for our youth groups, and so much more. We’ve made it easy to setup recurring giving, so you don’t need to worry about it every month. In 2 minutes, you can setup giving for the entire year! Click below to get started.

Our Mission

At Kirkwood, we strive to "Be the Church" in our community. Being a follower of Christ is about a lifestyle of mercy and grace, it's not about your ability to sit in a pew for an hour each Sunday. So our mission to be real people living a life unto the Lord in the real world. We're not perfect, but we've been drawn into the love of a perfect Savior! And our goal is to welcome others into that life changing experience.